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I was so reluctant to go on the mission trip to Guatemala with the youth program at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, but my older sister, and the youth minister pushed me to join.


It turned out to be an incredible experience, and one that still shapes my faith to this day. Serving the poor in San Lucas, Guatemala for two weeks, the biggest takeaway I had was seeing how joyful they were. Their faith inspired me. Many of them had nothing. They slept on dirt with nothing but a sheet covering them from the sun and rain. And yet they were always smiling.


Gathering around the city church. Playing soccer in the streets. Children singing at the top of their lungs during Mass. 

What they had more abundantly than anyone I have ever witnessed was their incredible faith, and with it joy. I only hope to someday have as much peace as they do, and I know for them the source of their joy and their peace is God. 

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Hockey Changes Lives. That is what the Hendrickson Foundation believes, and I have seen firsthand how true this is, both in my own life and in seeing the lives they touch. It was an honor to work alongside Executive Director Danny Hendrickson, helping to raise awareness, plan and execute events, sell merchandise, and ultimately support the cause. HF supports four programs: Minnesota Sled Hockey, Minnesota Special Hockey, Minnesota Bling Hockey, and the Minnesota Warriors. For these athletes, HF helps provide the opportunity to play the game we all love. 

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