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We were often asked, "What is a Peer Minister? What do you guys do?".

And I don't think I ever gave the same answer twice.

Some likened it to being 'Spiritual RA's', others like a mentor in the faith. Personally, I think the easiest way to describe it is to say we were Campus Ministry's student outreach.

But in all honesty, our role was to be a friend to any and all. 

Our mission was to make meaningful encounters. To meet our fellow students where they were, and share the love of Christ. The position called for 20 hours a week, to find the holes on campus that we may be able to fill. More often than not, it didn't feel like work at all. 

Every day was different. From working with students one on one, to programs centered on movies, Pancakes with Jesus, Lenten Daily Mass Challenge, and ending on a high note with the first ever Peer Ministry Prom. 

It is a position that was incredibly humbling. Working in Ministry always is. And while there were plenty of times where it felt like we were not making a positive impact, we needed to rely on God. This was his work, we were just the hands and feet. 

When you are working for God, the smallest impact has an eternal impact. 


The Peem Team.

I have this weird thing where I feel the need to give things

syllable names. Thus, the Peer Ministry Team, often referred to as PM's, became the Peems. 

And it didn't stop there.

Leanna became Lean.

Liam became Leem.

Leah became Lee.

Kailey became Kale (like the lettuce).

Vince became Veence.

Josh became Jeesh.

Matt and Mary never really got nicknames. Sorry guys.


They are 7 of the best friends I could ever hope for. 

I always looked forward to our team dinners and hanging out with, as Mary would say, the pals.

Truly though, I could not have done this job without all of their support. All of our work looked different from each other, but the support system within the team was incredible.

Whether it was needing some assistance with Peem stuff, or just needing to talk, they were always there for me.

They pushed me to be a better teammate, a better friend, and most importantly, a better person.

They pushed me to grow in my faith. To grow in my prayer life. To grow closer to God.

I will forever be thankful for each of them. 

I love my Peems.

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